Library items tagged: Digital Economy Act

This is JANET(UK)’s submission to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s call for evidence on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Online. JANET(UK) is the operator of the JANET network that connects the UK’s universities, colleges, research organisations and regional schools networks to each other, to research and education networks elsewhere in the world and to the public Internet.
This is JANET(UK)’s response to Ofcom’s consultation on “Online Infringement of Copyright and the Digital Economy Act 2010: Draft Initial Obligations Code”. JANET(UK) is the operator of JANET, the UK’s National Research and Education Network, which connects universities, research establishments, colleges and regional schools networks to each other and to the Internet.
This is JANET(UK)’s response to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills consultation on “Online Infringement of Copyright (Initial Obligations) Cost-Sharing”. JANET(UK) is the operator of JANET,the UK’s National Research and Education Network, which connects universities, research establishments, colleges and regional schools networks to each other and to the Internet.
This is JANET(UK)’s response to the Department for Business Education and Regulatory Reform’s consultation on legislative options to address illicit P2P file-sharing.