Library items tagged: security

Network Authentication Methods eduroam
JANET(UK) recommends that organisations connected to JANET carry out their own internal monitoring of their network connection. On a simple level the JANET Netsight system can highlight abnormal traffic levels on a site's access link that may be a result of illegal activity. The JANET Factsheet Unusual Traffic gives examples of how Netsight can be used to detect these kinds of problems.
A firewall is a system that implements and enforces an access control (or security) policy between two networks, for example between an internal private network and an external public network. Essentially, a firewall connects two or more networks but only allows specified forms of traffic to flow between them.
People are the most important component in any security system. Uninformed or unthinking users or administrators can make decisions for their own convenience that nullify all technical security measures. Aware and observant users and administrators can, however, reduce the likelihood and impact of security incidents even where only a few technical measures have been taken. Ideally organisations should aim to combine secure technology and security-conscious people into a truly robust system.
Organisations connected to JANET are required to comply with the JANET Security Policy, to protect the security of JANET and of their own internal networks. Further details are available in Section 9. JISC requires organisations with a Primary Connection to take responsibility for both the security of their own connection to JANET and the security of any Sponsored or Proxy Connections they provide. 
Isolated individual computers are relatively secure as long as their physical well-being is ensured and regular backups are carried out to protect the integrity of the data held. However, once computers are connected to a LAN or WAN, they become exposed to threats which may jeopardize their proper operation and the safety and privacy of the data held.
Simple Network Management Protocol Web-based Interfaces
PB/INFO/069 Most users know vaguely that web addresses beginning http:// and https:// are different. An https:// web site (‘secure HTTP’) provides users with some protection against some types ofInternet threat (though both server and client computers have to do more work):