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Manufacturer: AvayaModel: XT5000 720Software Version: 8.3Optional Features and Modifications: USB recordingDate of Test: 17-21 March 2014
Manufacturer: AvayaModel: XT5000 720Software Version: 8.3Optional Features and Modifications: USB recordingDate of Test: 17-21 March 2014
By Pranay Pancholi, Loughborough University 26/3/2014 Whilst there is a large choice of Wi-Fi analytical tools available for the PC market, the choice available to MAC OS X users is somewhat limited. This document provides an overview of 8 applications – some are free and others have a cost - that can be used to assist with Wi-Fi stumbling and surveying on Mac OS X. They can help in various ways to troubleshoot and diagnose wireless connectivity issues in the field:
Eligibility for an Domain Name 1.    An organisation is eligible to register names in the domain name space if it meets the purpose of the domain as expressed in clause 2 below and meets at least one of the items in clause 3 below.
Network time protocol (ntp) servers are regularly being used to reflect and amplify spoofed UDP packets towards the target of a DDoS attack. Attacks are growing in size and frequency and sometimes even cause issues for the organisations hosting the reflectors. Servers offering the 'monlist' command are particularly troublesome and can provide a huge amplification affect.
By Pranay Pancholi, Loughborough University Introduction Today’s world offers us a plethora of new mobile devices and consumer-based electronics such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, gaming consoles, smart televisions and digital signage displays, all requiring Wi-Fi connectivity.  These devices are application-centric and the delivery of multimedia content to these devices has seen a large increase in network traffic within the home and enterprise networks. 
Janet was allocated £26M within the e-Infrastructure programme announced by BIS in late 2011, and these funds have been held by HEFCE for use by Janet within agreed projects such as Janet6 and the additional fibre provision to strategic research facilities. Within this allocation, HEFCE reserved £4M to meet the e-Infrastructure programme requirement to work towards a Janet which is "open and accessible" to industry in the context of mutual access by industry and academic partners to relevant resources to support collaborative work.
The Scheme If you are interested in taking advantage of the Janet Reach scheme, further details can be found in the Guidance for Applicants document, which sets out the broad expectations and criteria which projects would need to satisfy to be successful.