
13 July 2016 at 12:29pm
The purpose of this document is to call for ideas from the community and to provide space for contributions towards development of the eduroam(UK) Technical Specification beyond the current 1.3 which was released in June 2013. In the last 2 and a half years a number of issues have arisen and technical evolution has taken place. Version 1.4 will incorporate relatively minor updates that have been identified, but we are still open to suggestions for change. It is planned to release 1.4 during Q1 of 2016.
23 January 2013 at 5:07pm
Over the past few weeks we've come across a number of situations where users have been sharing, or encouraging the sharing of eduroam credentials between each other. For instance a user might want to provide temporary access for a friend or a visiting lecturer from a non-eduroam organisation might want immediate network access. It should be clear to us as system managers that this is not safe behaviour.
15 January 2013 at 3:46pm
This advisory is relevant to all participants in the UK providing the eduroam federated service historically known as the Janet Roaming Service. Organisations are requested to review their service-related web material. 9/01/2013
22 November 2019 at 5:09pm
eduroam has been widely extended in to the NHS and is a successful and popular support for students on clinical placement in the NHS and the academic staff supporting them, plus clinical researchers working with the NHS. See here for a list of UK hospitals where eduroam is available
18 March 2016 at 11:22am
19/11/2012: The latest organisations to define NAPTR records in their DNS to boost international roaming authentication performance for their users are: National Science Learning Centre Northumbria University Rothamsted Research The Pirbright Institute University of Glamorgan These join the list of the following (gold star!) organisations which were the first to carry out the configuration: Coventry University Liverpool John Moores University Loughborough University University of Bristol
17 April 2014 at 4:38pm
This document is intended to serve as an aid for eduroam site administrators in troubleshooting problems with the implementation of the eduroam service at RADIUS server level. The document splits the troubleshooting process based on the ID provider of the user:  remote user authentication, addressing problems your users may be experiencing at a remote site and visitor authentication, focussing on problems faced by your visitors from other sites.
30 October 2012 at 10:13am
eduroam participants running Cisco ACS as their organisational RADIUS proxy servers will be pleased to hear news that ACS 5.4 has been released. The release notes document all the new features and bug fixes; however, of major interest to eduroam administrators is the feature that it can now add Operator-Name to requests bring sent upstream to the NRPS. Many thanks to Cisco for their cooperation in listening to the needs of the eduroam community and for providing debug/beta copies to the eduroam(UK) support team.
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