How to be a good participant

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Turn off your mobile or put it on silent. Only leave it on if you are expecting a crucially important call that cannot wait until the end of the meeting.


Dress appropriately:

  • Avoid brightly coloured or heavily patterned clothing, it can exaggerate issues or flaws in a video image if you move around a lot
  • Avoid bright jewellery for the same reason as above
  • Arrive early and check your appearance on camera. Ensure a seat is chosen where you will be seen in case the video doesn't capture the entire room


  • Read the agenda and make notes on points you need to bring up
  • Put more thought into visual aids and documentation if you are supplying them
  • Ensure documentation has been sent to all participants
  • Starting the meeting
  • Be ready to respond to the chairman's initial round of introductions

During the meeting

Good manners:

  • Show respect to the chairperson if there is one; their role is key to the success of the larger meeting
  • Do not distract the attention of the meeting unless you wish to speak to the group as a whole. A side conversation will distract everyone in the meeting. Use the mute button to temporarily switch off the microphones if a discussion between your colleagues is necessary
  • Avoid frequent interruptions if possible by say everything you have to say when you get a turn. This will help stay within the VC time constraints that may be less flexible than a regular meeting
  • Do not disregard the common courtesies used in normal face-to-face meetings; people can see what you are doing even when your sound is muted

Coping with the technology

When a VC is booked through the JVCS Booking Service, it is automatically set up as Voice Switched by default. This means whoever makes the most recent noise appears on everyones' screen. If this setting hasn't been change remember to avoid shuffling papers, coughing or tapping objects near the microphone as may change the focus from the speaker to you.

  • Relax, just behave and talk naturally. Don't think of yourself as on camera; you are simply looking and being looked at as you would be in any normal meeting
  • Be aware of the positions of microphones, and speak clearly
  • Keep physical movements to a minimum. Excessive movements can cause problems with the video image. When there is little movement picture quality is good, but this rapidly deteriorates as movement increases
  • Remember the transmission delay and allow others time to comment


Remember to thank the organiser and say good-bye to the group of participants.