Request Certificate

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Once you have the appropriate certificate credit on your organisation's Certificate Service account, you can proceed and request the required SSL server certificate, by clicking on the 'Request Certificate' tab in the JCS portal. The following steps apply:

Request Certificate

1. Is the certificate for a primary or secondary school? Note: only available to local authorities

2. Select the type of certificate (options include QuoVadis Business/Organisation Validated, Extended Validation or Wildcard)

3. Choose duration between 1 and 3 years (for EV and Wildcard certificates this is limited to 1 or 2 years only)

4. Select the type of application the certificate is being installed on (this option is only for reasons to help any support queries and makes not difference to the signed certificate you'll receive)

5. Paste or upload the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) into the form

6. Once you have read and understood the QuoVadis Certificate Holder Agreement click to agree to this.

7. Finally, click on 'Request Certificate'.


8. You can review the information included in the certificate request by clicking on the 'Review Certificate Request', from here you also have the ability to insert additional domains (known as Subject Alternative Names, SANs) to the request.


Approve the Request

Before the Certificate Request can be processed a registered Management Contact at the organisation will need to approve the request.

When a Certificate Request is submitted, Management Contacts are sent an email notifying them that there is a request which requires their approval. The email advises the person to log in to the Jisc Community and then to go to their organisation's Certificate Service account by launching the Certificate Service portal

The Approver will need to navigate to the specific Certificate Request by clicking on 'View Certificates' from the drop-down list in the portal.

Then click on the Certificate Request and select 'Approve Request' to approve (or reject) the request, as shown in the screenshot below.

Download Certificate

If the Certificate Request has been successfully processed, the Certificate Requester will be notified by email that they can now download the signed certificate (together with the relevant QuoVadis root and intermediate certificates) from their Certificate Service account.