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JANET(UK) provides JANET customers with help and advice on computer security and incident handling. JANET CSIRT exists to warn organisations of potential threats to computer security, to suggest how to protect against these threats and, in the last resort, to advise on rebuilding a compromised system. The team has observed that most compromises could have been prevented if sufficient care had been taken to protect the computer systems affected.

The team also provides training and maintains a comprehensive database of relevant literature. The JANET CSIRT web site is a national source of security advice, tools and documents. As well as local information, the site has pointers to other security sites around the world.

Obtaining Advice

JANET sites with a Primary Connection should contact JANET CSIRT if they would like advice on setting up a suitable security system for their organisation or have any problems or queries.

FE and specialist colleges may also contact their JISC RSC for advice on appropriate security measures.

Security Mailing Lists

JANET CSIRT provides a mailing list service for organisation security contacts and issues early warnings of new risks and threats. When an organisation first connects to JANET, the details of the nominated security contact are forwarded to JANET CSIRT by the JANET Service Desk.

There are two mailing lists, one for announcements, the other a discussion list. Organisation security contacts will be added automatically to the announcements list but can choose whether or not to subscribe to the discussion list. They may also nominate other individuals to be added to the mailing lists.