
30 April 2020 at 9:34am
I've been reading a fascinating paper by Julia Slupska – "War, Health and Ecosystem: Generative Metaphors in Cybersecurity Governance" – that looks at how the metaphors we choose for Internet (in)security limit the kinds of solutions we are likely to come up with.
30 June 2017 at 12:02pm
Earlier this year we identified a need to better understand institutions’ security posture in light of the fast changing and increasingly critical area of cybersecurity. So for the past couple of months we have been running a survey to find out what more Jisc can do to help best support and protect institutions and the Janet network. The survey had the following objectives:
18 January 2016 at 12:26pm
High profile security breaches: Recent months have seen a number of breaches and issues with several large companies’ online security, resulting in authorised accesses to and theft of personal data:
Jisc evidence to Culture, Media and Sport Committee enquiry into Cyber security: Protection of Personal Data Online
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